Yr 12 student Amber Robertson-Giles competed at the WAPC Dressage at WEC with her horse Jimmy (Chasing Dreams).
Amber won all Dressage tests, came first in the preliminary 1B test and first in the 1C test. This was Amber and Jimmy’s first time competing at the 1C test.
Amber ended up as the the overall preliminary Dressage champion rider, well done Amber!

St Peters Inter Schools Dressage Competition

Well done to our three riders; Ellyce Smith, Lily Murray and Amber Robertson-Giles who represented Hillcrest at the St Peters Inter Schools Dressage competition.  They all rode really well.

Ellyce came 4th in her 1B Horse class, Amber came 1st in her 1A Pony and 3rd in her 1B Pony class.