Student services, advice, polices and forms for the day-to-day structure and well-being of Hillcrest High Students.
Hillcrest High has a whole school approach to student wellbeing, so every student and adult has a responsibility to care for each other.
Pastoral Care
Every student is placed in a RAPID form class with other students from their year level. The RAPID teacher will maintain a close liaison with students in their group and with the Deans.
The Deans have responsibility for the welfare and administration of a year group and they progress with that group throughout a student’s years at school. Contact with the school regarding a student should first be made through the appropriate RAPID teacher or Dean.
Each senior leader (Principal, Associate Principal, Deputy Principals) is attached to a year level. They play an integral role in the pastoral care and well being of students.
Guidance Counsellors provide confidential counselling services to students at the school. Appointments can be requested by students or referrals can be made by parents or staff. Counsellors can be contacted through the school office.
Senior students play an important role in the support and care of younger students at Hillcrest High School.
Peer support leaders meet regularly with Year 9 students to assist their transition to high school through a structured peer support programme.
Hillcrest High School has a well-equipped health clinic, with two registered nurses who job share. A nurse is available to see students who become unwell or injured at school, offer advice and health information, and talk with students about adolescent health issues including mental and emotional health.
Students can be seen at interval and lunchtimes and during class time if urgent.
The clinic has a doctor who comes one morning a week and a physiotherapist who runs two clinics a week. Students make appointments at the health clinic.
RAPID Programme
RAPID runs four times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:45 – 9:00am. It is vital students attend all these classes each week. The RAPID programme has been designed to provide support for students and to ensure they receive the necessary support here at Hillcrest.
The role of the RAPID Teacher is to:
1. Support the wellbeing of students
Build relationships with students
Refer well-being concerns to the Pastoral Team
Disseminate key information when provided
Support students by encouraging engagement in school-wide activities and uphold the school’s RAPID Values.
2. Complete and monitor attendance, school uniform and behaviour
3. Monitor students’ record of learning:
Engage in learning conversations with students
Use provided data to discuss student progress
Assist in goal setting and reflection