Hillcrest High School provides students in years 9 – 10 with effectively taught programmes of learning in all areas identified in the New Zealand Curriculum.
The junior curriculum provides a broad base for our students and is structured around: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Health & Physical Education, Languages, Technology and Digital Technologies. Hillcrest High School offers a student-centered curriculum, allowing ample opportunities for choice in all learning areas.
The Arts programme offers students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills in Art, Drama and Music.
In Languages, students can learn Te Reo Maaori, French, Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin Chinese. All students take at least one language in Year 9. Students whose first language is not English can also join an English Language Learning course.
In Technology students are offered: Food Technology, Electronics, Design & Visual Communication, Digital Technologies, Materials Fabrics, Materials Metal and Materials Wood.
All Year 9 & 10 students take part in a Digital Technologies course.
There is also an option for Financial Capability.
Hauora Programme
The Hauora programme is delivered in year groups across the whole school.
The programme is based upon the Maaori philosophy of health and well-being which is commonly referred to throughout New Zealand.
The content of the programme is based upon the concept of Te Whare Tapa Wha, which is made up of four pillars; Taha tinana – Physical well-being, Taha hinengaro – Mental and emotional well- being, Taha whanau – Social well-being, and Taha wairua – Spiritual well-being.
The content will cover a range of topics from growth mindset, to money management, to empathy. The content and material of the sessions will vary across year groups, but will all very much focus upon our vision of a holistic approach to help build our students into well rounded, happy individuals.