30+ Years of Service
Earlier this term we celebrated our long serving kaimahi (staff). We have 9 staff who have been at...
Earlier this term we celebrated our long serving kaimahi (staff). We have 9 staff who have been at...
Our students have the most amazing opportunities to learn new skills and prepare for life after...
The English and Science Departments have gotten into the spirit of Library Week! Today the staff...
Andrew lives in Tokyo, Japan, where he is an Assistant Principal at an international school....
I currently work for Hockey New Zealand as their partnership executive, and while I was at...
Elliot attended the school between 2009-2013 and during his time was a very successful Football...
Wendy Pretswell who attended Hillcrest High School between 2001-2005 is now a very successful...
Kevin Hessell was Principal of Hillcrest High School between 1992 - 2003. He always considered that...