Dear parents and caregivers
The Education Review Office (ERO) has recently confirmed our Education Review Profile Report. We were last reviewed by ERO in 2018 and received a very favourable 3 year review. Over the last 18 months the structure and processes around reviewing schools has changed significantly. Under the new system, schools are now allocated an ERO Evaluation Partner, who works with the school to determine what the school’s priorities are over the next 3 years. An action plan is then developed, which we have incorporated into our strategic plan. ERO have also appointed a number of Leadership Partners, who work in schools with the Evaluation Partners to help facilitate this process and provide advice and guidance when required. I was fortunate to be appointed to a Leadership Partners role at the start of Term 2 2021, and have teamed up with an Evaluation Partner and worked with a number of schools in the region.
Our Profile Report can be viewed here. ERO also reviewed our International Student programme as well as our Board Assurance Statement, which contains policies and documentation around school practices and Health and Safety. There were no issues with either of these aspects of the report.
The new Board of Trustees are in the process of ratifying our new Strategic Plan which will outline the schools strategic direction over the next 3 years. I would like to acknowledge the work of the previous board in the development of the new plan and the feedback we received from our staff, students, whaanau and members of the Hillcrest High School community, which helped shape our plan. Once ratified, the plan will be posted on the school website.
The first two weeks of next term will be hectic as staff complete final preparations for NCEA and internal assessments and practical projects are completed. The end of the year for our seniors will culminate with the senior prizegiving on Monday 31 October. We will also be celebrating the year with a number of other awards ceremonies during this time.
Ngaa mihi
Kelvin Whiting