New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Competition

June 20, 2023

Hillcrest High School runners-up at 2023 New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Competition

Luke Tan, Jack Higgins, Aishwarya Sethumadhavan and Shia Dunning represented our school at the recent NZIC Analytical Chemistry Competition held at the University of Waikato campus. 

They competed against some of the top Year 13 Chemistry students from across the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions. The team did us proud by placing second this year, an improvement on our third placing in 2022. It was a very close competition this year, and the results were as follows:

1st: Hamilton Boys High School 1

2nd: Hillcrest High School

3rd: Tauranga Girls College 1

4th: Hamilton Girls High School 2

5th: St Peter’s School 2

Tony Pyne (HOD of Chemistry)