We’ve been super busy over the past few weeks organising the annual Leavers Dinner, alongside the Leavers Dinner Committee. We are very excited that tickets for the event are now on sale for $65 from the Accounts Office, which can be purchased any time before Friday Week 10. We have put lots of work into organising what we hope will be an amazing night for the Class of 2022 to reminisce, celebrate and say their final goodbyes, and cannot wait to see all of our peers there. Just a reminder that if you have not yet filled out the parental consent form and your own leavers dinner agreement form to please do this by Friday Week 10 as well so that we can ensure numbers as soon as possible and are aware of how the event will be run.
We are currently in the process of putting together a voting system for our awards, so students can keep an eye out for this on Schoology to vote for some entertaining, complementary and funny awards for other year 13 students. We also are beginning to order souvenirs for the dinner, which we will keep a mystery until the day of!
Finally, we have heard from our varsity jacket suppliers that the garments have shipped, and will be at school by the beginning of next term! This means that we can distribute the remaining gear in term 4, so that students can wear their gear around the school for the last two weeks of school.
Approaching the end of the year is a bit bittersweet, but we cannot wait to make the most of the time we have left at Hillcrest for our whole cohort to leave with fantastic memories.